By: Julian O'Neil
In: Blog
February 8, 2023

Icelandic horses

Icelandic horses

A smart and friendly breed

Icelandic horses are a unique and beloved breed that have played a significant role in the history and culture of Iceland. These horses are known for their hardiness, intelligence, and friendly personalities. They are also renowned for their distinctive gait, known as the “tölt,” which allows them to move smoothly and quickly over rough terrain.

Icelandic horses have a long history in Iceland, with the first horses being brought to the island by Norse settlers in the 9th and 10th centuries. Since then, they have played a vital role in the daily lives of Icelanders, serving as a primary mode of transportation and helping with farm work.

One of the most distinctive features of Icelandic horses is their small size. They typically stand between 13 and 14 hands tall (about 4-5 feet) and weigh around 600-800 pounds. Despite their small size, they are incredibly strong and hardy, able to survive in the harsh Icelandic climate with minimal care.

Icelandic horses are also known for their intelligence and friendly personalities. They are easy to train and are often used in a variety of disciplines, including dressage, jumping, and endurance riding. They also make great companions for children and adults alike.

In addition to their practical uses, Icelandic horses are also a beloved part of Icelandic culture. They are featured in folklore and mythology, and there are many festivals and competitions held in their honor.

The breed is also protected, horses cannot be imported or exported, so the Icelandic horse population is pure. This is a measure to ensure the preservation of the breed and its unique characteristics.

Overall, Icelandic horses are a unique and special breed that have played a vital role in the history and culture of Iceland. Their hardiness, intelligence, and friendly personalities make them beloved by Icelanders and horse enthusiasts alike. If you ever have the chance to visit Iceland, be sure to take a ride on one of these amazing animals.